Friday, September 23, 2011

save these horny creatures . they need their babies with noses .

I N T E R N A T I O N A L   R H I N O   D A Y

the 22 September 2011 saw Cape Town's second annual Anti-Poaching Rhino Day . . .
And I was able to go . . . protest . protest . protest .
A march from the Fruit and Veg in Roeland Street to the bottom of the road, Parliament .

Everyone made such an effort, at least 500 people dressed in red showed, and made a noise for these animals that can't for themselves.


10000 South African people have signed the petition to stop poaching . Do what you can for the silent creatures , dress your car with a black ribbon on the right mirror, buy a sticker, wear a shirt . . . sign petitions and do what you can.

You may be wondering why I am blogging about things like this.

Look at the effects and impact the united colour has. This red symbolised the slaughter of the 300 White and Black Rhino this year . . . and the black clothing was to mourn the loss our country is and will suffer. The clothing untied us protesters and defiantly made an impact of the City of Cape Town yesterday.

These animal right campaigns have such an important role on our life, in the fashion world and out, we have to be aware of the world around us. If you are confused or don't agree with these marches, read up about them and educate yourselves. I read a sign yesterday that really hit home.

"         We don't want to be the generation that has to explain what rhino's were, and why we didn't do anything to stop the slaughtering of these animals       "

{peace and love}

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