Wednesday, April 13, 2011

let's make you look fake

today, for our CAD (computer aided design) class we had to use Photoshop CS3 and perfect a picture, that in my opinion didn't have much wrong with it

original version . . .

changed tooo my photoshopped version . . .

looks ridiculously fake . . .
Though I know this is done in magazines and photoshoot, but you aren't capturing the real person? Isn't that why we take pictures? To capture a moment?
Just a thought

{peace and love}


  1. Found your blog on Twitter, I love interesting and I love the outfit posts. This photo editing is fab although i have to agree with you about it not looking real...anyway I am now following..would be great if you checked out our blog and followed back....

  2. thank you :)
    tell your friends about the blog :)
